Thursday, February 5, 2009

We Need Discipline

Proverbs 5:23
He (a wicked man) will die for lack of discipline,
led astray by his own great folly.

Discipline is 1000% mandatory in today's economic climate more than any other time in recent history. A lack of discipline in the financial arena is causing so many to not only die financially, but even physically as people succumb to the pressures of not being able to meet their financial obligations.

Several years ago it was unpopular to be responsible and disciplined with our money. While I was focused on trying to build my bank accounts, friends that were traveling the world were literally teasing me about not living it up more! My family members would call me cheapskate and "tight." Nowadays, however, its all of a sudden cool to be conscious of where your money is going. Every other day Oprah is featuring families that are making great strides by using frugality in their everyday life and her audiences are eating it up.

Lets face the fact that times have changed and a lack of discipline will do nothing but lead us astray. We have to buckle down and seek wisdom in the area of finances especially. There are so many awesome sites that provide great tips on how to discipline ourselves with our finances. Lets take heed and stop the folly. Check out some of my favorites in my blogroll to the left of your page.

Seek Wisdom, Find Wealth & Get Disciplined!

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