Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How to Create Wealthy Habits - Part 2

As I shared last week in Part 1 of How to Create Wealthy Habits, we are never in a state of "trying." We are either doing what we need to do or we aren't. Once we recognize that there is no in between, we can begin to take charge and implement the habits that will create the success in our finances and lives we desire. 

Here are more ways to create wealthy habits today:

Writing the vision and making it plain is only one part of the process. It is vital to also create a visual representation of your goals. I have always used dream/picture journals and vision boards as a focal point in turning my desires into reality. Find magazine photos or pictures online and post them somewhere where you can see them at least daily. Use the power of your visual sense to keep you focused on your goal. This focus is what will keep you motivated when you are tempted to slip back into your "not-doing habits." 

Related Post: How to Create the Life You Want (I explain how to create vision board here.)

When you remain grateful, you allow yourself to find wealth in whatever situation you may be experiencing at any given moment.  When you are grateful for what you already have as well as those things you desire, you become happier and healthier and continue to attract more of the same. As you read, say to yourself, "I am grateful for all the money I have now." Have you ever heard the saying "What you resist, persists?" Murmuring and complaining has never created wealth.  Actually, it only achieves the opposite.  Being discontent will take your focus off of your goal by wasting time and energy and moving you further away from what you claim to want. 

The reality is that obstacles are going to be thrown your way no matter how much positive thinking and prayer you use.  Instead of allowing life’s distractions to throw you off course, you have to accept them, learn the lesson and move on – continuously pressing toward your goals.  When you can look life head on and say, “XYZ challenge has occurred, but what can I do now to move on?” you will reach goals you never thought were possible!  Taking on this type of attitude teaches you to act in spite of your own doubts, ridicule from others, fears, etc.  When you press on despite the unexpected, you build courage and take down challenges one by one!

Additional Wisdom: 
George Lucas discussing his "So What, Now What" attitude on Oprah's Next Chapter

Believe it or not, many of us are neither good at giving nor receiving.  You may think you are, but if you really studied your answers to everyday things like people giving you a compliment or you having the ability to do something nice for an absolute stranger, you’d be shocked at what you would discover.   

The bottom line is giving and receiving work in perfect harmony.  You must give, in order to receive and the more you receive, the more you are expected to give again.  Have you noticed how philanthropic the world’s wealthiest people are?  As much as you’ve heard about their giving, you don’t see Oprah or Bill Gates running out of money!  I can't speak for either, but I'll assume that they've learned one fundamental principle: WE are only blessed to be a blessing.

Share your thoughts with me.  Which wealthy habits do you already possess? Which ones do you need more help figuring out? Join the mailing list and receive weekly wisdom and wealth affirmations in your mailbox to help you develop each of these habits.  And if you haven't already, please check out the first set of Wealthy Habits from last week! 

Until Next Time,
                                       Follow me on Twitter:   @SeekWisdomPCW

Seek Wisdom, Find Wealth & Be Blessed

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